This is a one on one meet and greet with the artist.
Step 1: Book Now
Step 2: Receive an email to schedule a date and time
Step 3: Meet BEREN for some one on one time!
”Hey there! Let’s grab some bubble tea, or coffee, or fro-yo together! I want to get to know you and hear from the people who like my music.
Love, B”
This is a one on one meet and greet with the artist.
Step 1: Book Now
Step 2: Receive an email to schedule a date and time
Step 3: Meet BEREN for some one on one time!
”Hey there! Let’s grab some bubble tea, or coffee, or fro-yo together! I want to get to know you and hear from the people who like my music.
Love, B”
This is a one on one meet and greet with the artist.
Step 1: Book Now
Step 2: Receive an email to schedule a date and time
Step 3: Meet BEREN for some one on one time!
”Hey there! Let’s grab some bubble tea, or coffee, or fro-yo together! I want to get to know you and hear from the people who like my music.
Love, B”
Sessions are limited to 1 hour. BEREN reserves to right to leave the session at her discretion for any reason including but not limited to safety, in which case a refund is not issued. We reserve the right to decline service before the date of service, to anyone, in which case the buyer is to be issued a full refund.